Day 6 - Inspire Girls Foundation

Welcome to Day 6 of our anniversary celebration!

Today, we continue to shine a light on the incredible strength and resilience of women as we highlight our partnership with Inspire Girls Foundation (IGF).

Through their vocational training project, IGF provides essential skills and support to empower vulnerable teenage mothers, disabled teenage girls, and disadvantaged schoolgirls in Kasese District, Uganda. Please explore the details and feel utterly moved by the relentless passion and optimism of IGF’s fearless director, Lilian Biira, in this video:

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The vocational training project offered by Inspire Girls Foundation spans six months and covers various skills and knowledge areas. Beneficiaries receive instruction on community awareness, financial literacy, finance management, and skills training in tailoring, shoemaking, basket weaving, the production of liquid and bar soap, reusable sanitary pads, and tree nursery beds.

IGF conducted a comprehensive fact-finding assessment, revealing the pressing challenges female school children face in the Karusandara sub-county and beyond, particularly in the wake of COVID-19 lockdowns. Many girls have missed out on their education, further underscoring systemic gender inequities. These young mothers, ranging from 13 to 19 years old, face significant challenges in meeting their basic needs and providing for their children's well-being.

This project targets a total of 105 beneficiaries, aiming to address the unique needs of each group. Through the vocational training program, they receive educational assistance and access to menstrual hygiene products, empowering them to thrive academically and maintain their dignity.

Inspire Girls Foundation's vocational training project is making a significant impact on the lives of vulnerable women and girls in the Kasese District. By equipping them with practical skills, knowledge, and seed capital, IGF is encouraging these individuals to break free from the cycle of poverty and achieve financial independence

Together with Inspire Girls Foundation, we are committed to creating a world where women and girls have equal opportunities to succeed. To support this transformative work, we invite you to join us in making a difference.

Consider donating $10 today, the cost in Ugandan schillings to buy 10 bars of soap, to help these young women and girls build their futures.

Stay tuned for Day 7 of our anniversary celebration, where we will highlight projects that make a lasting impact on the community!


Day 7 - Reanna and the Results


Day 5 - Njoo Dada Trust