Dairy Cows for Divine Mercy Home

Divine Mercy Children’s Home cares for 28 children rescued from dire situations. They use income-generating projects, like the farming of goats, poultry, cows, and pigs, to support their day-to-day operations and to provide for children in dire need of care and protection.

One high-grade dairy cow costs $500.

Three high-grade dairy cows purchased by a $7220 TGE donation will provide Divine Mercy Hope (DMH) Children’s Home in Githunguri Sub-county with milk for the abused, neglected, abandoned or orphaned infants and toddlers in its care. The cows also will provide a source of income for the home through the sale of milk, expected to reach $1000USD/month.  At least half of this amount will be set aside in a special reserve fund, which can be used to pay off debts and provide a back-up for monthly expenses. The rest of the profit will be used to purchase other animals for the farm to generate more revenue. The TGE donation also cover three months of veterinary services and insurance for each cow for one year.

The cows are a start to replacing seven big cows and goats the Home lost in 2020 when the area was hit with Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). Before the outbreak, the Home earned $500USD from milk every month and used goat milk for the children.


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