Stemi School Water Tank and Piping

Kenya’s Stemi School received a new water tank and piping system during TGE 2018 Project Trip. At present, the government provides water to the community only two days per week, but the school has no way to access or collect it. Our kind donors allowed Stemi to tap into nearby water sources and store it in a tank on the premises. The school children now have fresh, clean water to drink.

After the water tank was installed, the local water truck came to fill the new tank. TGE nailed corrugated tin to the exterior frame of the water tank and secured it with a lock for security within the slum. Afterwards the headmaster and teachers helped TGE dedicate the water tank.

Thank you to all of our donors and volunteers who made this wonderful project possible.


Riruta Shade Orphanage Chicken Coop


Riabia School Fence and Water